Wednesday, September 2, 2009



· 1976: Aswad
· 1978: Hulet
· 1981: New Chapter
· 1981: Showcase
· 1982: A New Chapter of Dub
· 1982: Not Satisfied
· 1983: Live and Direct
· 1984: Rebel Souls
· 1986: To the Top
· 1988: Jah Shaka Meets Aswad in Addis Ababa Studio
· 1988: Distant Thunder
· 1988: Renaissance - 20 Crucial Tracks compil.
· 1989: Aswad: Crucial Tracks -compil.
· 1990: Too Wicked
· 1993: Firesticks -compil + new songs
· 1994: Rise and Shine
· 1995: Dub: The Next Frontier
· 1997: Big Up
· 1997: The BBC Sessions -live
· 1999: Roots Revival
· 2001: 25 Live: 25th Anniversary
· 2002: Cool Summer Reggae -compil. with new cover
· 2009: City lock

after 10 years of silence return the musical "aswad" with "City Lock". Unfortunately, the album appears already from the first listen a bit too light, a bit too pop. weak, that overall is flat.
why? maybe a few ideas? identity crisis or producers ungenerous ?.... expected more from the band ... anticipation was so great, but "City Lock" transmits sound too 90's, with melodies / key Rootsy already repeated in the past ..... I hope I am wrong more times, but listening again .... sin ... their skills can not end here ... you will return to the maximum. These are the songs I find best. see below see below

dopo 10 anni di silenzio musicale tornano gli "aswad" con "city lock". purtroppo, l album appare gia dal primo ascolto un po troppo leggero, un po troppo pop. debole,che nel complesso risulta abbastanza piatto. perche? forse poche idee? crisi d identita o produttori ingenerosi?.... ci si aspettava di piu dalla band... l attesa era tanta ma "city lock" trasmette un suono troppo anni 90 con melodie/key rootsy gia ripercorsi nel passato..... spero di sbagliarmi riascoltando piu volte ma .... peccato... la loro bravura non puo finire qui ... vedrete ritorneranno al massimo. queste sono le canzoni che trovo migliori. vedi sotto

aswad - city lock tracklist

1. Natural Progression
2. Keep It Raw
3. what is love
4. Once Is Not Enough
5. City Lock
6. Calling
7. Weary
8. Monday Morning
9. Maybe Tonight
10. Roots Rockin' 2
11. Dub It
12 Give Me Your Love
13. Do That Thing
14. African children

song - what is love?

song - calling

song - weary

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